The last post from me was published on October 14th, which means that there's going to be a 3 month gap between these two posts. So if I ever forget again, when I'm reading this in order to bring back my memory, here's an explanation on why I was away for such a long time. I traveled into a loop to retrieve something, if you need a refresher on what a loop is, find a big, fat, red book on the third shelf and on page 364 you will find everything that I knew at this point so far.
Now that I got the back up plan portion of this post out of the way, I can concentrate on explaining on where the hell I disappeared to.
As I said, I traveled into a loop, been stuck there for quite some time as you can tell. Why would I embark on such a dangerous adventure? Well, I had a lead to follow, I've been looking for an organization that made it their hobby to hide inside loops. This organization is tasked with running experiments on captured Proxies, the deadly kind of experiments.
This organization is sponsored by various governments. Their experiments mostly concentrate on controlling Azoth, which means, controlling the Proxies in their custody. For what purposes? A perfect army.
We are in a troublesome time, wars left and right, any government would be willing to cough up a few good bucks for a perfect, fearless army. This has been going on for about 5 years now (Maybe more, I started hearing about them only 5 years ago), 3 years ago I thought it to be only a myth, the remaining two years I finally managed to get into researching these guys.
Guess what, in those 3 years they managed to develop a liquid that counter reacts Azoth, completely wiping the Azoth out of the system. One problem, the person immediately dies after all the Azoth has been withdrawn from their body, I don't know if it is because they use the liquid they developed to remove it, or if the human body can't survive without Azoth once it has been introduced into their system.

I managed to track them, find the exact loop they were based in and infiltrate their building unnoticed. My target was the liquid they had developed, I wanted to run tests on it and maybe, develop an Azoth neutralizer that doesn't kill the victims (Unless it's the lack of Azoth itself that kills them).
Long story short, I got it, some of it is in my possession now.
What a great gift for New Years huh?