Friday 25 December 2020

Silent Period 2: The Silenting

 So yeah, as you can see here, I finally got to meet Malik, Franky... and the asshole.

When G informed me that we were going to be meeting them in order to exchange information for some "goods", I was extremely opposed to the idea. No shit, right? I don't want to meet up with a corpse fucker, who makes love to weird ooze that flows through his body. G was all too willing to go on his own and leave me behind, and I definitely gave it a lot of thought, but in the end I decided that it was best to accompany him, there's two main reasons for that.

One: We're a team, DUH!

Two: Due to my amnesia, I don't ever remember encountering any of the scary things we write about in these blogs, generally I have been entirely blocked off from the rest of the world thanks to G. Sure, on occasion I got to go on grocery runs, but in the end I always had to come back to our hiding spot within the time limit that G provides me with. I could disobey him and run off, it's not like he is keeping me captive, but I'm pretty sure that would be an awful idea. While I believe him, there has always been this lingering doubt about all of this being real, so this was my chance to finally confirm that all of this is true, meeting up with people who are just as stuck in this predicament as me and G are.

Obviously I can't disclose our means of travel, but let's just say we were where we were supposed to be in a flash. Now, I have no idea how G knew of this research centre out in the middle of nowhere, or how he even had the card that would let him in, but it's G, a man who never takes off his mask (No joke), I could probably write a book about what I don't know about him.

We were on the research facilities grounds, had to sneak through a few security guards to get to the back entrance. As we rounded the corner, that's when we bumped into Malik and the asshole, who was all too ready to blow everyone's cover by trying to break and enter. Luckily G intervened and just opened up the door by using his card I mentioned earlier, from there we just had to sneak a bit further to the second floor, find the correct room that G needed and that's it. The entire time G and The Asshole were constantly talking about the book, Malik was just quiet, just like Franky. I gotta say here, seeing them in person for the first time was weird, I'll save my comment about The Asshole, mainly because I suspect he'd enjoy the description I'd provide of him. Malik looked like the typical music school dropout, pretty much what he posted of himself as his profile photo, except that he is covered in more bruises and his hair is dirtier. Franky was the weirdest one, wearing a dark brown hoody with that blank face mask, completely covering his face, he certainly looked like a person, but the way he moved was really weird, it's as if he was struggling to walk on just two legs.

As we were about to go in, G stopped me, Malik and Franky and told us that it would be a better idea to keep an eye out on the hallway, just in case some security guards start coming around, I didn't question G, I trust him enough not to do something stupid when left alone with The Asshole, Malik wasn't so willing though, he immediately tried to question him, but was cut off by The Asshole, telling him that it was his turn to help him and that G's idea was a good one and that's how the three of us ended up starring at a corner for nearly an hour. That's where Malik finished his post, but he left out our conversation, which he said that he didn't mind me posting, so here we go:

The conversation didn't start between us for a while, it was actually getting kind of awkward hence why I decided to break said silence: "So, kind of a strange meet up huh?"

No response, just leaning against the wall, arms folded, starring at the ground.

"I mean, I guess it makes sense, G's pretty much the only one active on the blogs who's trying to research the weird shit, that your master is aw-" this is where he instantly cut me off.

"He's not my fucking master." He looked up at me, annoyed look on his face, even Franky turned around once he started talking.

I shrugged "Whatever, you'll still end up dead if you continue 'working' with him."

"I have enough of your lectures spamming up my comments, I sure as hell don't care to hear them in person, especially not from you."

That comment took me by surprise "The fuck does that mean?"

He unfolded his arms and stood up straight "You call the idiot my master, which is hilarious coming from an amnesiac who has no idea what is out there and just blindly follows another amnesiac."

"Ah yes, that is definitely worse then the two retards who are constantly self-sabotaging one another on every 'mission' they embark on."

"Hey, if I'm such a retard then why the fuck do you care as to what I do, you sure as hell can't seem to shut the hell up about what us 'retards' do!"

"No, I can't shut up about the idiotic shit you do! But I'm sorry for trying to prevent another persons life ending in death due to their idiotic choices!"

"Hey, at least I'm fucking doing something for myself, instead of just sitting on someone's ass not sure if whether all of this is real, or not!"

"Impulsive idiot!"

"Indecisive tard!"

And suddenly both of our mouths were covered by Franky's gloved hands, I didn't even notice that we got in each other's faces and were nearly yelling at one another, I also didn't notice how Franky managed to creep up on us, guess the argument got a little too personal, not gonna lie.

After Franky removed his, surprisingly cold hands Malik just stormed off back to his end of the wall, leaned back on it and avoided looking at me. I just kind of awkwardly stayed in the middle of the hallway, mainly because I didn't really want to get into an argument with him, honestly I just wanted to have a conversation, I also felt like a bit of an asshole for what I said, hence why I felt the need to say the following:

"I don't believe you deserve to die, sorry that you don't agree with that."

And then I walked back to my side of the corridor, continuing to look at the corner. Few minutes of silence passed until he broke it:

"Look..." I looked at him "Shit's fucked out there..." He looked to the side and then covered his face with both of his hands and slid the hair out of his face "Hell, shit's fucked in here..." He pointed at his head as he moved his hands away from his hair "Been for a while." He looked directly at me "Point is, I'll die, I know it and I made peace with it a long time ago, you need someone who wants to survive and reach a happy ending?" He looked away "You're going to have to find someone else."

Yeah, pretty fucking depressing, but hey, it wasn't all negative, he did say this in the end:

"For what it's worth, I hope you manage to reach it."

That's about when G exited the room with The Asshole and we all parted ways. Despite the argument and the name-calling it was actually somewhat nice to meet Malik, he is the first person I talked to in person who is entangled in the same shit that I am and I guess he's not a complete ass.

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