Tuesday 4 April 2017

Man, What Happened?

Welp, apparently G has buzzed off for a long time, which of course means that I'm stuck inside of here for awhile, with nothing to do but read as my main point of entertainment. Now, I would be ok with that, if, you know, Ghost had any fiction books over here, seriously, would it kill you to have at least ONE C. Clarke book? Fuck's sake. Nope, all he has over here are Chemistry, Quantum Physics, Mathematics and other, knowledge forwarding type of books. And while I'm all for expanding ones knowledge, for me personally? This is too boring.

However, what G DOES have is his blog list, which... man it's fucking long, seriously, no joke, this thing is fucking long. It's a list of all the blogs he has been keeping an eye on for quite some time now, some crossed out, some labeled as "Fake" and others labeled as "Dead". To be honest, this list scares the shit out of me, because it shows for how long he has been doing it and those blogs are not short by any means, a good portion of them are fucking long, so I can not imagine how he could possibly read through all of these and remember all the important details.

So that's what I'm doing for entertainment, I'm reading about other people's tragic attempts at trying to stay alive, or even defeat the evil stick man. And now I realize how much of a horrible person that previous sentence makes me sound. Sorry.

But yeah, I've started reading, in an attempt to at the very least, learn a few things here and there, so that when Ghost decides to kick me out, I can survive for a long enough time on my own.

Anyway, one thing I noted about all of those blogs is that, there used to be a shit ton of people communicating with each other, it just blows my mind to be quite honest. And then it all just went silent, I guess people can take only so much of potential hope getting squandered at the end, I can understand how it can bum lots of people out of this blogging business, which actually made me wonder on why the fuck I do it.

I know Ghost does it to preserve his memory, but me? I guess it's because I just want to chat with people, because truth be told, G is not a great conversationalist unless it's something research related. And I'm kind of stuck in here, so yeah, I guess chatting with other people about trivial shit is exactly why I blog.

Which is why I'm glad that Min is around, you rock.