I'm pretty sure that everyone's familiar with the concept of "Alternate Liquids" (Azoth, etc.). Those are the liquids that somehow connect biologically and possibly mentally, to the creatures that pursue us. Some people theorized that it was their blood, some theorized that it's the creatures themselves, etc.
Throughout the years, a few people attempted to study it, a recent User listed very important aspects of a Liquid known as "Azoth" a liquid that connects to "The Slenderman". You can read up on these findings here: Finding #1 (The User was generous enough to provide a link, to most important aspects.)
But before we begin, what is Azoth? Well, Azoth is one of the 4 crucial elements in Alchemy. No, that's not correct, Azoth is believed to be a result of a connection between three elements. This "connection" is known as "Trinity":

Those 3 elements, are: Salt, Mercury and Sulphur. Not to be confused with the actual Salt, Mercury and Sulphur which we encounter, physically, everyday. Each of The Elements are believed to contain the two of the other elements in them, for example: Salt consists of Mercury and Sulphur; Sulphur consists of Salt and Mercury; Mercury consists of Salt and Sulphur. All three elements, form 9 Elements, the combination of these 9 Elements, gives you a 10th element (Azoth).
So what is Azoth? Azoth is a power, that grants you the knowledge and ability to bend the laws of physics and nature to your whim. For example: It is believed that when Jesus walked on water, he had the power of Azoth surging through him; When Rapustin was refusing to die from poison and several gun shot wounds, he was using Azoth and etc...
However, I'm 74.5% sure that these are two different Azoth's we are talking about. The Azoth I described is a spiritual energy, which can only be accessed through hard concentration. This Azoth is a physical, living being.
If you have read the link I provided above, this Azoth is capable of surging through your bloodstream, it can replace your bloodstream, it can extend out of your body and be used as a weapon, it can morph into anything it wants to, it can become solid and liquid-like. Not to mention, we can feel and see it (Some, even understand it). There were also moments when The Azoth was affected by magnets, which leads us to believe that it has traces of iron in it; it was also said that if Azoth remains detached from a host for a very long period of time, it will fall apart into dust, which leads us to believe that The Azoth needs to "Feed" off of something.
The Azoth is found in the Proxie's (Servants of Slenderman) brains, it is believed that, that's where the Azoth begins to grow inside a human body, since getting it out of the brain is practically impossible without killing the person. If this person,with Azoth in his head, lives for a long enough time, eventually The Azoth replaces their bloodstream and in a sense, becomes the new blood. This leads me to my next point, a lot of the Servants, after they have the Azoth implanted in their brain, don't remember their past, or remember chunks and bits of it, or sometimes, they have false memories, which means that not only is Azoth capable of messing with us physically, it also has the ability to mess with our memories and re-create them, to it's liking.
It is believed that you can alter your memory, by giving a big chunk of information to a person to process, which contradicts their previous memory. So, could it be possible that, when The Azoth is altering the proxy's memory, it's giving the brain information, it can not digest? So that must mean that Azoth is also telepathic. Very few were able to communicate and control it (Or work with it).
The Azoth is found in the Proxie's (Servants of Slenderman) brains, it is believed that, that's where the Azoth begins to grow inside a human body, since getting it out of the brain is practically impossible without killing the person. If this person,with Azoth in his head, lives for a long enough time, eventually The Azoth replaces their bloodstream and in a sense, becomes the new blood. This leads me to my next point, a lot of the Servants, after they have the Azoth implanted in their brain, don't remember their past, or remember chunks and bits of it, or sometimes, they have false memories, which means that not only is Azoth capable of messing with us physically, it also has the ability to mess with our memories and re-create them, to it's liking.
It is believed that you can alter your memory, by giving a big chunk of information to a person to process, which contradicts their previous memory. So, could it be possible that, when The Azoth is altering the proxy's memory, it's giving the brain information, it can not digest? So that must mean that Azoth is also telepathic. Very few were able to communicate and control it (Or work with it).
That's not all. Azoth is also capable of altering it's DNA if stayed away from it's source for a long period of time. There were several "Hot Spots" on our Earth, that have been overtaken by Azoth, so in a sense, those places are alive. Some of them don't let The Slenderman in, because they are not of one creation anymore, those are two different DNA's that are trying to interact with each other, which isn't possible. Which also means, that Slenderman doesn't have the ability to re-produce.
Dont forget that azoth can have different effects on different people. runners reject it, proxies don't, hollows and revenants have different reactions.
ReplyDeleteA valid point, however, I do not think that where their beliefs lie is of any reason here. Unless, for example, if a Maenad's Liquid somehow interferes with Azoth, then it might have a completely different effect.
DeleteHowever, if they have nothing, but Azoth in them, from what I gathered, it seems to only depend on the person, on how Azoth effects them.
Their beliefs do not influence azoth, but rather how their body reacts to azoth influences their beliefs. Of course, given azoth's possible connection to the nervous system, this may not be so clear cut.
DeleteAzoth does contain iron, but it's main metallic component is copper, which results in a green colour when heavily diluted.
ReplyDeleteThese copper particulates respond to an induced eddy current, a process of electromagnetism. It is not ferromagnetic to any great degree, although extremely strong magnetic fields such as those in a MRI scanner can cause a reaction.
As I am extremely fond of telling people, proxies do not stick to fridges.
That could actually explain how the "Hot Spots" can repel the originator. The "Hot Spots" are the Eddy Current, which are repelling the Copper, since it has it's own magnetic field, creating a damping effect.
DeleteWhat are these "hot spots"?
Well, for example, I remember reading that Incognito spent a night in a place like that before:
I'm also pretty sure that Strider was residing in a place like that for quite some time.
Ah, I remember. The PTC had a technology induced one, but Incognito's and Strider's seem to be a result of azoth populations that have broken off from the aggregate that is the Slender Man, so to speak. It follows that they would repel that 'foreign' presence.
DeleteAlchemy is a discredited field.
ReplyDeleteAlways wondered about blood and azoth. Kyrylo recently murdered a Runner girl and remarked on how her blood tasted like "rust and sugar", but that's not the same as researching and knowing.
I recommend he taste the blood of a proxy, preferably a black blood, and see if the same taste persists. It would theoretically be stronger in this individual, making it easier to pick up.
DeleteBlood naturally contains heme bound iron and glucose. "Rust and sugar" isn't much to go on.
He refuses to seriously hurt proxies. He's a proxy himself.
DeleteHe remarked upon the unusually dark colour of her blood but I know for a fact that the runner in question has more than one such substance in her.
know this runner well, did you?
DeleteDamn, it was worth a shot.
Delete@Lovett - So what if I did?
Deleteseems odd that you, a runner, are working for the proxies in all but name. Runners are probably less likely to try to kill you once you run your course.
DeleteI am not working for the proxies. I just do not get involved in what Kyrylo does. But of course he comes and tells me about his day; we are friends.
DeleteI do not know what your problem is. State it.
Also, kiddo, to nudge some actual science your way, to prove azoth is alive, you have to prove the following:
ReplyDelete-prove that azoth can reproduce (say what you want about the Slender Man; you're wrong; this part is not negotiable. All living things reproduce, if it lives, it reproduces.)
-prove that azoth can excrete (like humans can shit and piss and plants shit and stuff)
-prove that azoth respires (breathes, essentially)
-prove that azoth responds to environmental stimuli (light, gravity, temperature)
-prove that azoth consumes energy/nutrition, feed on something
-prove that azoth grows, matures.
What I've listed, are the things that make something qualify as alive. Cells, plants and animals all do the above.
Some bases have been covered, as you suggest that azoth can age and crumble, and seems to need something to feed off. However, I have never heard of azoth excreting.
If the Slender Man produces these hot spots, and these hot spots are alive, are you aware that that's reproduction??? Reproduction does not always mean reproducing an exact duplicate of yourself. Certainly, animals don't do that; for example you have slightly different DNA to your parents.
Speaking as a biochemistry student, life's a lot less hard and fast than you'd think. There's currently a bit of an argument going on about whether a certain type of large virus should be considered a fourth domain of life. On a certain level it becomes a gradated rather than binary distinction.
DeleteAzoth can, given an admixture of appropriate substances, increase it's amount, as noted by Carter and used by me to breed more samples from Rinforzando. It hits feeding and reproduction right there. This also can be considered a type of growth; the line becomes blurred due to a lack of discrete cells. Maturation is evident in the outer layer that pure azoth produces to protect itself from dessication by the outside environment. There's also the matter of azoth being documented to 'break away' from the influence of it's progenitor, in the cases of Fortissimo and Rinforzando.
Respiration is not in fact, breathing, but instead the process of obtaining energy from a substrate. This process does not even need to produce or consume gas in the case of some organisms, particularly chemotrophs. Given the above, azoth hits this too.
We all know about it's reaction to stimuli. I've had some... interesting moments in the lab due to it's tendency to curl around an electromagnetic prod when poked with it.
Azoth may excrete a substance but the sad fact is this is currently unknown and more work needs to be done.
In essence, to use a cliche; "It's life, Jim, but not as we know it". While not conventionally living, it exhibits traits too complex for it to be on the level of things like fire or crystal, which also grow and consume.
I addressed all of that in my response to Ghost already.
DeleteIt is not a matter of "these things don't happen with azoth".
It's a matter of "generally speaking, these are the criteria that would, in a perfect world, be met for us to call it alive."
Ah, sorry. I read your post and replied before I noticed Ghost's one.
DeleteNo need for a pompous tone here, it's not welcome. Also, I don't have to prove anything, I'm only throwing theories and analysis around, I'm not trying to immediately answer the questions, if I could, trust me, talking to you, would be the last thing I'd be doing right now.
ReplyDelete- What if when Azoth is separating itself from the host (Reproducing) it's also Excreting at the same time?
- Can't prove that Azoth breaths, however, I point you back to the jar scenario, it was locked in a jar for several months, before becoming more solid and eventually crumbling apart. I believe that the jar also didn't have any holes in it (if it had, I believe the Azoth would be able to escape), so there was also the aspect of the lack of oxygen in that scenario, which could have played a major role.
- I point you to the post made by Incognito, about how he fought Kelevra, in that post, Kelevra's Azoth reacted to two blocks of C4 going off at close proximity.
- Jar incident. Not to mention, the fact that Azoth doesn't seem to be very active during the beginning stages of it living inside a humans body. However as time passes, it grows in strength, going as far ad replacing a person's entire bloodstream. It's obviously getting stronger off of something, what exactly is it? The electricity in the nervous system? The warmth of the host? Is unknown.
- Jar incident, it became more solid, that could also be the aging factor at play, but as I said, we can't know for sure.
Alright, maybe the word "Reproduce" was a bit too strong, what I meant, was that I doubt that we will see another Slenderman-like creature. You are right about the Human DNA, however, as humans, our overall nature is more or less the same. With Slenderman and "Hot Spots" the nature is very different, for example, Slenderman can move anywhere, any distance at any time. A "Hot Spot" can't, it can travel through time, however, it always stays stationery.
I was not being pompous. I do not see what your perception of my tone has to do with anything. I think you are trying to read into something that is not there. I was simply trying to help you define what makes something a living thing, as we are exploring the paranormal here, and the lines between what we know and can define are often distorted.
DeleteI really do not think reproduction and excretion are indistinguishable. Excretion is waste product - for example, if azoth inhales, like you said, then it must also exhale after the oxygen has been changed. Waste product will be what the azoth does not need, and reproduction will be "offspring", more azoth. In more familiar terms: there is a big difference between a baby and a pile of shit.
if it thinks, does it matter if it breaths? for all practical purposes it may as well be alive
DeleteOK, my good friend Kyrylo Soldatov is aching to talk to you about azoth. However, because he constantly gets into arguments, I am going to ask you first, if you would like to talk to Kyrylo. I would say he is in a fairly stable mood at the moment. If you consider my tone to be poor, his will be an improvement. Just make sure you do not research him on the blogs. You may not like what you find.
Delete@Lovett - Philosophically, maybe (and that is not an insult. Science owes its existence to epistemology.) That said, I do not make the rules on what a living thing is. Scientists do.
DeleteGuess it depends on if we're looking at it for classification or to try to react to it
DeleteThe line "Kiddo" gave off a pompous vibe.
DeleteI know all I need to know about you Vladislav, same goes for your friend Kyrylo. As I said, I've been studying in the shadows, away from everyone's attention. However, all the mental knowledge I had, was lost, since I lost my memory.
I need to catch up, hence, I don't want to get distracted by further conversations. This post about Azoth, this is more, or less me getting acquainted with my own knowledge.