Tuesday 24 January 2017

Right, so few things.

#1: Min is back and that is awesome news, cause she is, literally, the only one I can have friendly chats with, don't get me wrong, I'm absolutely happy that she is still kicking in general, but this whole isolation in the depths of nowhere thing that Ghost forces me to undertake is grating and believe it or not, he is not the best conversationalist. So Min, good to have you back and happy 20th Birthday!

#2: G is a dick head! Few minutes ago, this innocent girl, who doesn't jack about this running situation, who had found herself in a very crappy predicament and is in dire need of help, published a post in which she requests help. Now I told her to calm down, under the idea that Ghost might be able to help her, but when I came over to ask him for help, he refused, yammering some shit about concentrating on this white liquid he's been studying for several months now non-stop, to the point of obsession. I tried to convince him, but we just ended up yelling at each other. Which brings me to my next point...

#3: G is asleep right now, so screw him, I'm helping her myself, he'll be pissed, but I don't care, I refuse to stand by in this dungeon shit-hole any longer.

With that said, Hannah outsky.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you! Nobody has made this much fuss about my birthday, I feel like a princess ^_^. Usually everyone thinks it's Burn's Night.

    I know I can't talk you out of this, so... Let me know if you need any help or money. I have guns and grudges but I'm also like really nice.
