Tuesday 27 March 2018

Post #21: Explanation of Absence

Well, looks like the posts can finally go live.

For personal memory, I must publish a post about this. A year has passed during my silence on this blog, the entire time during that silence nothing of worth has happened, no massive breakthroughs or note worthy progressions in my research, mainly because I had no time to conduct any research, I was too busy patrolling around my base of operations, keeping an eye out for any sign of the monsters I'm researching, among other things.

Me and Hannah were forcefully isolated from civilization, how do I put it so that I don't give away my position? My hiding place just automatically isolated us, I know why it happened, but I don't know what triggered it to happen. Something big must have happened somewhere, big enough for all of my technology to start freaking out and blocking out my communication with the rest of the world.

The way I could tell, is because Hannah tried to publish another post on this blog and while the website showed that the post was published and I could access it, it didn't show the dates the post was published:

This post would just hang on this website, with the lack of a date or time it was posted, I knew what this meant since this happened to me before, we were stuck in a time looped limbo, which meant either of two things: we were found, or something big happened somewhere, big enough to mess with... Not sure how to put it again, but best way I can say it without giving anything away, something happened big enough to mess with time. However, there's no need to freak out, because it's not your time I'm talking about, I'll just leave it at that.

So I started refreshing the blog daily, seeing if the post would eventually publish with a time and a date, or just remove itself. If it would publish, that would mean that not a lot of time has passed, but if it removed itself, then that means that plenty of time has passed and considering the fact that I'm only posting a year later, explains why Hannah's original post is gone.

I also would patrol around my hideout regularly, making sure that this wasn't caused by one of the monsters finding us, luckily that wasn't the case.

Now that, that's cleared, only one question remains, what the hell happened to get us stuck in a loop? This is the downside when everybody who is involved in this type of mess decide to stop posting and recording their experiences.

Oh well, whatever it was, I'm sure it will be revealed at some point.


  1. Interesting indeed, hah...

    1. Care to elaborate, since you seem to act as if you are aware of something.

    2. Don't mind him, he's just being a pompous ass, old proxy ways die slowly I see.

      But then again, who am I to speak, I used to sound exactly the same way.

  2. You're stuck in a loop? Did you piss someone, or something, powerful off shortly beforehand?

    Personally, I've noticed some big changes lately in terms of how the power dynamics of the groups and Fears are.

    1. I was stuck in a loop, but it's not the type of loop that is caused by pissing something off, well, I mean, it can be, but I know for a fact that this wasn't the case, considering the fact that my hiding spot has not been compromised. The loop tends to happen due to certain events happening, for example, remember when Redlight came back? That was a big enough situation to cause the loop to happen, it's like a natural occurrence, best I can try and explain, sorry.

      Oh please elaborate, you spend more time on the ground, it'd be nice to hear your input.

    2. Yeah, I remember Redlight.

      It's like a lot of the groups all act differently now. It's hard to explain, but they just seem different whenever I run into them. More likely to run off instead of pressing the (useless) attack. Maybe they've started to realize who I am or something else is going on?
