Friday 22 May 2015

Post #15: Important Update #2 - Keep an eye out for "Contagium"

Calling in all numbers, Contagium has dropped off the radar.

It's been silent for almost a year now, before dropping off the radar, it was traveling through the threads looking for something, presumably looking for it's next targets.

#7754; #19963; #1379 and #00097: be careful, since "Contagium" disappeared somewhere around your thread line.

P.S. #166 you should start-up a separate e-mail, we don't like the idea of people reading these.

Message received from #94576321


  1. Message received and analyzed.

    With all due respect, I don't think I can afford to do that, as I said, this my memory log.

    If it bothers you so much, have you considered to shut me off from the server?

    1. We set up a network and we need you to join us, can you do it right now?

      - #94576321

    2. So that's a yes then.

      We're waiting.

      - #94576321
