Especially when it involves people that try their hardest to keep me safe.
'Sup everyone! We're still kicking, this hiatus shit has been becoming kind of a schtick hasn't it? A shitty schtick... a shitick!
Ok that was lame, a comedian I am not. Alright to quickly explain wtf's been going on and why all the silence. Simply put, according to G he steered up the hive when he posted about the "Panopticon". I'm not exactly sure how he could tell considering we barely ever leave his hiding place, but his judgment kept us safe for a long time now (Not once have I encountered Slendy or any of the other freaks after my brainwashing was removed) so I'm not going to criticize it, nor question it for that matter, highly doubt he'd explain his methods anyway.
And that's why I hate to put said methods at risk of being compromised, here's a guy who not only saved my ass, but also showed me kindness by letting me crash in his place for as long as I want with no strings attached, the bare minimum I had to do was follow his safety rules and everything was going to be honky dory. And I was... Up until a friend of mine has cut all communication with me after several traumatic events had occurred within their life. Now it's nothing new with said friend, our friendship is kind of... complex I guess, there's a desire to help each other from both of us, but not only are we limited to e-mail exchanges, said friend has a pretty short temper, talking to them is like walking on glass, step too hard and you end up with blood everywhere.
We haven't even known each other for that long honestly, I just offered them an ear when they were at their lowest and that kind of morphed into this weird half-assed friendship I guess.
So of course G wasn't happy when I brought up the idea of using his methods in order to travel to said friend, just to check up on them. During any other point in time I'm sure G would be fine with it, as long as I obeyed the 2 hour rule (not elaborating any further for obvious reasons) then I'd be allowed to do a quick wellness check and just get the fuck out of dodge. But because G had steered the before mentioned hive by revealing their secret plans on his blog a few posts ago, we were now in lockdown, no posts, no e-mails, no outside communication of any kind, not until the heat was off.
But it's been nearly a fucking year now! The coast has got to be clear by this point, so much has fucking changed, it's ridiculous! And that's pretty much what we had an argument over a few days ago. My attempts at convincing him to allow me to do said check, all failed, he outright said no and ordered me to stay put.
So I hate to do this, but I'm going to slip out regardless, I hate to do this to him but I have a friend out there who went completely silent and I'm not going to rest until I make sure that they are still alive, friend's are a rare commodity for people like us so I'm going to make damn sure that said friend is still breathing.
And G, when you read this, I am truly sorry that I disobeyed, but understand it from my perspective, I get that you're used to being a loner, you've been doing this for years on your own. But I'm not going to leave a person behind in this shit and if you were currently in my place and it was me who dropped silent, I'd like to think that you'd check up on me.
Alright, sneaky time.
Good to see you're still kicking. Make fucking sure to keep it that way.
ReplyDeleteDon't be suspicious~
ReplyDeleteDon't be suspicious~
Don't you go disappearing on us! Haven't been here to check on anyone for a long time already. I really should catch up on all those reading.
On another note, does anyone know about a parasitic infection that's going around? Not sure of the validity of the news brought by this person. " They look like daddy long legs. White stalks. But golden colored and look like dandelion fluff is around them. They stay still with legs curled as they float. At first they just floated by people. But after a certain time, they began to attach to people's backs. Only three when I was out. But I would imagine it's spread."
If anyone knows anything, just holler! Thanks!