Wednesday 18 February 2015

Post #11: Alternative #1 - Sanctuary

In the beginning it was just the Slenderman, then came along others and for a while it was only them, however, over the course of this mess came along creatures that don't seem to fit with the Fears. This is the purpose of this new section, to analyze these other entities, or as I like to call them "The Alternatives".

Today I will talk about Sanctuary, the introduction to this alternative came along from a blog called "Daily life With Roy" and the creatures presence began back in April 13th, 2013, when Roy on the verge of death crawled towards a door that wasn't there before, and opened it, after which he passed out.

In his next post, Roy described the place where he woke up as "Eden":
There were beautiful trees all around and a large waterfall that turned into a small stream. What was slightly eerie though was the lack of animals. No birds or anything. -Roy.

This is where he met Sagari. A girl that has long, green hair (Which is natural according to her) and looks like she is in her twenties (22), she is also really pale.

"Sagari" in translation according to Sagari herself, also means "Sanctuary" while I'm not sure which language translation that is but upon further research of the word I found out that Sagari's are Japanese ghost's that take the form of grotesque horse heads, which drop down from Hackberry trees to startle travelers on the road. Apparently the ghost's represent all the dead horses, which died during travels and the bodies of which were just left alone, apparently, when a horse's soul begins to leave its body, the soul can get caught up in the trees and transform into these ghosts, failing to pass onto the afterlife. In translation from Japanese Sagari means "Hanging" (Also, Sagari in translation from Hindi means "Sea Breeze").

She then proceeds to tell Roy where he is and what she is. She says that he is in Sanctuary and that she, herself is Sanctuary. Sanctuary, according to Sagari and the description that Roy gave us, seems to be a pocket dimension, same as The Path, Empty City and etc.

She then proceeds to say that she wants Roy to work for her, to be her "Proxy" however, she states that she is not one of the Fears:
I am not one of those monsters you call a fear. I simply am an entity that wants this war to end. -Sagari.

In order to convince Roy to join her, she promises to grant him powers, which will allow him to free Proxies from the influence of Slenderman, but not all of them, some are apparently "Too far gone." She then proved this strength by getting rid of Slenderman's influence over Roy. However, all of these promises would turn out to be a lie. This power wasn't freeing people from the influence, it was just blocking it, it wasn't even counter destroying it like Acidus and Azoth, just blocking, which means that this power seems to be a lot more weaker than the influence of Slenderman.

Moving on, Sagari then would admit in the comments that she, in fact, is not The Sanctuary itself:
I can understand why he would think I was some kind of supernatural entity but I'm not, I am human though a powerful one. Sanctuary is sentient though....similar to the empty city just not evil. -Sagari (Answering one of the comments).

This what's going to make this analysis real tough, because Sagari is a complete liar. In her first meeting with Roy, she said that she was Sanctuary itself, she also lied about the powers getting rid of Slenderman's influence, she was lying, to get Roy onto her side for whatever reason. Even after admitting to those lies, she continued to lie:

She also explained that she could manipulate sanctuary to look as she wanted. It's also apparently impossible for me to permanently die while in sanctuary. Strange.  -Roy

I doubt that she was manipulating anything, I believe that Sanctuary was telling her what to do, while it took form. I'm not sure about the whole "Not dying" part, see this sentence was an explanation, because a few sentences before this one, Roy described The Sacntuary to be on fire and he was being attacked by an old enemy, who managed to injure him heavily, injuries which could cause death. However, the facade was lifted, all of it was an illusion created by the Sanctuary, so all the injuries could have been an illusion as well. Previously we found out that Slenderman can manipulate cells in your brain to create false senses, like passion. Sanctuary could be capable of doing the same, by manipulating cells in your brain, I'm sure you can create the illusion of pain. Another lie? Quite possibly.

Moving on.

Sagari would then give Roy his assignment, he was to retrieve some Azoth for her, why? That was never explained. Roy never did retrieve some Azoth, however, along the way, he was given a second mission by her. He was ordered to either kill, or free (From Slenderman's influence) a few proxies which were on the list, however, I doubt that he was ordered by the Sanctuary, I assume that this secondary mission was of Sagari's desire:
"I feel some proxies need to be taken care of. Their kill count is growing. They need to be taken care of."     

She says that she feels the need to take care of some proxies, not the Sanctuary. I assume she got caught up in her own lies.

She also lied about his choice to either kill or free them, because later on she would drop by his place, tie him up and torture him in order to convince him to begin killing them, one proxy in particular that she wanted him to kill was KnitWolf, another blogger here who met her demise recently, she was a proxy and got really friendly with Roy, despite them being on opposite sides of this conflict. Sagari saw their relationship grow and wanted Roy to kill KnitWolf. Could have been a test of loyalty, but later it would prove to be nothing but selfishness.

Furthermore, Sagari was the person who involved Roy's girlfriend into this mess, so indirectly, she was responsible for her death and Roy's misfortunes. So already she has her eyes on Roy, but was it of her selfish desire, or did the Sanctuary order it? The reason why it's hard to pin point who's order it was, is because of the following statement:
"I saw your potential Roy! Izzy was a necessary loss. Don't you see that? I had amazing plans for you. You would do so much good! But then...." She looked at Wolf, hatred burning in her eyes. "She came along and corrupted you. When Izzy died you were supposed to finally see people like her for what they truly were......monsters!" -Sagari

Again the "I", moving on.

After being tortured by Sagari, Roy wanted to find a different sanctuary to rest and heal up, KnitWolf offered him a stay at her place (Which is protected). He agreed. However, few posts later, Roy and KnitWolf were planning on facing Sagari and finishing her off so they set out to battle her.

“You take everything from me!” I heard Sagari yell. Wolf was dodging around Sagari's sword as she tried to stab her. “My brother was fourteen when that thing you serve found us!” She snarled “It took his mind and made him kill our parents! Do you know what happened after he killed my parents?” Sagari continued “He snapped out of it then and killed himself after he realized what he did!” I knew I had lost too much blood. The edge of my vision began to go black. I could barely make out what Sagari was saying. “All I have left is revenge. I won’t rest until your master and all of your kind is destroyed!” -Sagari.

And there's our motive, revenge.

So what is Sanctuary? I believe it is much like the Empty City an entity that is also a location. Sagari is not The Sanctuary, she is it's servant. One day Sagari lived through the tragedy and while vulnerable, Sanctuary opened itself up to her and decided to recruit her. For what purpose? Building an army? Could be, but if so, then it is building it's army very carefully. For example, if it was Sanctuary's orders for Sagari to get Roy and his girlfriend involved, then the Sanctuary wanted to recruit Roy, but in order to do so, he had to re-live a traumatic tragedy which would break him, Sanctuary would then open itself up to him and offer him whatever he desired. In this case, Roy wanted nothing but to save people's lives and avoid killing them, so the Sanctuary ordered Sagari to lie about it's powers on freeing people of Slenderman's influence. Sagari was promised revenge. Two of the promises clashed and Sagari, overwhelmed with hatred, began to pursue her own goals.

So what are the powers of the Sanctuary other than shifting itself? Well, apparently it's servants have the ability to block the influence of Slenderman's Azoth. However, if it was Acidus for example, it would get rid of both Azoth and Acidus, however, Sanctuary's power can only block Azoth, showing that it's not on the same level as Azoth and is a little bit weaker.

It's servants also become faster and stronger, but that is it.

In short, Sanctuary is yet another Fear, which tries to deceive you in order to get you on it's side, it waits until it's possible servants are during their worst time, then it opens itself up to them and promises to give them, something they desire.

To this very day both Sagari and Roy are still alive, Roy started a new blog that you can check out here.


  1. She isn't dead, I know that. But I still wonder to this day if letting Sagari live was the correct decision. She's out there...probably doing the same thing as always. Letting her live will come back to bite me on the ass, but that's a worry for another day.

    Before I read this post I actually never thought of Sanctuary as being a new fear. But after looking's fitting. That's just another Fear encounter on the ever growing list.

    You're much more perceptive than I am, Ghost. Keep up the good work and stay alive.

    1. While I can't tell you weather it was a correct choice, or not, but I can tell you this much, you did what you thought was right, that's all that should matter.

      I appreciate the compliment, will do.
